In 1994 Rami Be’er initiated the foundation of Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company’s Second Company (KCDC 2) with the intent to establish a fresh, new professional troupe to appear before children, teenagers and families, and to nurture the future dancers of the main company while exposing the younger and broader population to contemporary dance.  

Today KCDC 2 numbers 14 dancers aged 18-24, who are chosen following an audition process.

These talented dancers who are at the start of their careers, undergo intensive and unique training over two years.  They appear in over 100 performances throughout the year, before a wide and varied audience of all ages.  They perform at children’s dance festivals, theaters, elementary and high schools throughout Israel and internationally with new and exciting repertoire for children, teenagers and the entire family.

Many of today’s main company dancers began in KCDC 2 and others have gone on to become successful dancers and choreographers in Israel and around the world.