Aachen, Germany
Fabrik Stahlbau Strang | schrit_tmacher Festival
Seville, Spain
Teatro de la Maestranza
Terrassa, Spain
Factoria Cultural de Terrassa
Madrid, Spain
Festival Madrid en Danza | Teatros del Canal
Brno, Czech Republic
Divadelní svět Brno | Theatre World Brno
Sibiu, Romania
Sibiu International Theater Festival
Seoul, South Korea
Arko Arts Theater | MODAFE International Contemoprary Dance Festival
Lodz, Poland
Teatr Wielki w Łodzi (Grand Theatre Łódź)
Warsaw, Poland
Teatr Tańca Zawirowania | Zawirowania Dance Theater Festival
Paris, France
Théâtre de Paris
Monferrat, Italy
Vignale Monferrato Festival
Florence, Italy
Florence Dance Festival
Limassol, Cyrpus
The Great Festival | Pattihio Municipal Theater
Beijing, China
Beijing Dance Festival
Baku, Azerbaijan
M.A.P. Festival
Coesfeld, Germany
Konzert Theater Coesfeld
Zug, Switzerland
Theater Casino Zug
Offenburg, Germany
Oberrheinhalle Offenburg
Rüsselsheim, Germany
Theater Rüsselsheim
Worms, Germany
Das Wormser Theater
Fulda, Germany
Schweinfurt, Germany
Theater der Stadt Schweinfurt
Bonn, Germany
Theater Bonn
Bregenz, Austria
Bregenzer Frühling
Stuttgart, Germany
Stuttgarter Kinder und Jugendfestival | KCDC 2
Heilbronn, Germany
Theater Heilbronn | TANZ! HEILBRONN Festival
Leipzig, Germany
Theater der Jungen Welt | KCDC 2
Sibiu, Romania
Sibiu International Theatre Festival
Paris, France
Théâtre de Paris
Munich, Germany
Think Big Festival | Muffathalle | KCDC 2
Irvine, CA, USA
Irvine Barclay Theatre
Miami, FL, USA
South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center
Lawrence, KS, USA
Lied Center of Kansas
Sandy Springs, GA, USA
Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center’s Byers Theatre
Houston, TX, USA
Miller Outdoor Theatre
Aachen, Germany
Schrit_tmacher Festival
Leverkusen, Germany
Forum Leverkusen | KulturStadtLev
Lublin, Poland
Lubelski Teatr Tańca | International Dance Festival
Brno, Czech Republic
National Theatre
Národní divadlo Brno | Festival Divadelní svět Brno
Seoul, South Korea
MODAFE | International Modern Dance Festival
Sibiu, Romania
Sibiu International Theatre Festival
Limassol, Cyprus
Rialto Festival | Rialto Theatre
Friedrichshafen, Germany
Kulturufer Friedrichshafen
Biarritz, France
Le Temps d’Aimer la Danse
Panama City, Panama
PRISMA Festival de Danza Contemporanea | Teatro Anayansi
Mexico City, Mexico
CulturaUNAM | Sala Miguel Covarrubias
Atlanta, GA
Kennesaw State Dance Theater
Dallas, TX, USA
AT&T Performing Arts Center
Cali, Columbia
Teatro Municipal Enrique Buenaventura
Bogota, Columbia
Teatro Municipal Jorge Eliécer Gaitán
Medellín, Columbia
Teatro Metropolitano Jose Gutierrez Gomez
Lima, Peru
Gran Teatro Nacional del Perú
Sydney, Australia
Sydney Opera House
Reggio Emilia, Italy
Teatri Reggio Emilia | Festival Aperto
Barcelona, Spain
Festival Grec de Barcelona | Teatre Grec
Kraków, Poland
Jewish Culture Festival | ICE Krakow Theatre Hall
Lisbon, Portugal
Festival de Almada | Teatro Municipal Joazuim Benite
Winterthur, Switzerland
Theater Winterthur
Gera, Germany
Bühnen der Stadt Gera
Kassel, Germany
Staatstheater Kassel
Schweinfurt, Germany
Theater der Stadt Schweinfurt
Perpignan, France
Théâtre de l’Archipel
Friedrichshafen, Germany
Kulturbüro Friedrichshafen
Ludwigshafen, Germany
Theater im Pfalzbau
Neuss, Germany
Stadthalle Neuss
Hameln, Germany
Theater Hameln
Leverkusen, Germany
Forum Leverkusen | KulturStadtLev
Fulda, Germany
Offenburg, Germany
Oberrheinhalle Offenburg
Rüsselsheim, Germany
Theater Rüsselsheim
Schweinfurt, Germany
Theater der Stadt Schweinfurt
Wolfsburg, Germany
Movimentos Festival | Autostadt
Fürth, Germany
Stadttheater Fürth
Bonn, Germany
Theater Bonn
Coesfeld, Germany
Konzert Theater Coesfeld
Baku, Azerbaijan
Heydar Aliyev Palace | 2015 European Games
Valletta, Malta
Malta International Arts Festival
Budapest, Hungary
Müpa Budapest
Reno, Nevada, USA
Nightingale Concert Hall
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Luckman Fine Arts Complex
Dallas, TX, USA
AT&T Performing Arts Center
Seoul, South Korea
MODAFE | International Modern Dance Festival
Warsaw, Poland
Teatr Tańca Zawirowania | Zawirowania Dance Theater Festival
Bytom, Poland
International Dance Festival Bytom
Torino, Italy
Torinodanza Festival
Mamer, Luxembourg
Kinneksbond Centre Culturel
Ludwigsburg, Germany
Forum am Schlosspark
Bad Homburg, Germany
Kurtheater Bad Homburg
Cleveland, OH, USA
DANCECleveland | Playhouse Square
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts
Beverly Hills, CA, USA
Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts
Vancouver, Canada
Norman Rothstein Theatre | Chutzpah! Festival
Wolfsburg, Germany
Movimentos Festival | Autostadt
St. Petersburg, Russia
Open Look Festival | Alexandrinsky Theatre
Moscow, Russia
Ermolova Theatre
Bolzano, Italy
Teatro Comunale | Festival Bolzano Danza
Sevilla, Spain
Itálica Festival Internacional de Danza
Beijing, China
Beijing Dance Festival
Oviedo, Spain
Teatro Campoamor
Gijón, Spain
Teatro de la Laboral
Naples, Italy
Napoli Teatro Festival Italia | Teatro Politeama
New Delhi, India
Siri Fort Auditorium
Mumbai, India
Y B Chavan Centre
Mumbai, India
India Habitat Centre
Trento, Italy
Teatro Sociale
Pordenone, Italy
Teatro Comunale
Rome, Italy
Sala Petrassi – Auditorium Parco della Musica
Belgrade, Serbia
Sava Center
Sombor, Serbia
Narodno Pozorište Sombor | Sombor National Theatre
Tbilisi, Georgia
Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre | Rustaveli Theatre
Guanajuato, Mexico
Festival Internacional Cervantino
Mexico City, Mexico
Auditorio Nacional
Bolzano, Italy
Teatro Comunale
Modena, Italy
Teatro Comunale
Ravenna, Italy
Teatro Alighieri
Cremona, Italy
Teatro Comunale Ponchielli
Virginia Beach, VA, USA
Virginia Arts Festival | Sandler Performing Arts Center
Lodz, Poland
Teatr Wielki | National Opera
Sibiu, Romania
Sibiu International Theatre Festival | Radu Stanca National Theatre of Sibiu
Budapest, Hungary
Müpa Budapest | Palace of Arts
Bytom, Poland
Silesian Dance Festival | Bytom Festival
Innsbruck, Austria
Tanzsommer Festival
Zagreb, Croatia
Croatian National Theatre
Budapest, Hungary
Vigszinhaz | Comedy Theatre of Budapest
Reggio Emilia, Italy
Teatro Municipale Valli
Milan, Italy
Teatro Arcimboldi
Padova, Italy
Tetro Verdi
Brno, Czech Republic
Janackovo Theatre
Bratislava, Slovakia
Slovak National Theatre
Prague, Czech Republic
Hudební Divadlo Karlín | Musical Theatre Karlín
Tanec Praha Festival
Kuopio, Finland
Kuopio Dance Festival | Kuopio City Theatre
New York, NY, USA
Central Park Summer Stage
Montreal, Canada
Festival des Arts de Saint-Sauveur
Bosnia, Sarajevo
National Theatre Sarajevo | Sarajevo Winter Festival
Oldenburg, Germany
Oldenburgische Staatstheater
Zagreb, Croatia
Koncertna Dvorana Vatroslav Lisinski
Sibiu, Romania
Sibiu International Theater Festival | Radu Stanca National Theatre
Aarhus, Denmark
Denmark Aarhus Festival | Musikhuset Aarhus
Seoul, South Korea
Opera House at Seoul Arts Center
Bangkok, Thailand
Thailand Cultural Center
Shanghai, China
Shanghai Oriental Arts Center
Pretoria, South Africa
The South African State Theater
Cape Town
Artscape Theatre Centre
Cleveland, OH, USA
Playhouse Square Ohio Theatre
New York, NY, USA
The Joyce Theatre
Toronto, Canada
Harbourfront Center
Columbus, OH
Jo Ann Davidson Theatre, Vern Riffe Center | Formerly Capital Theater
University Park, IL
The Center for Performing Arts | Governors State University
Barcelona, Spain
Centre Cultural Terrassa
Monthey, Switzerland
Théâtre du Crochetan
Winterthur, Switzerland
Theater Winterthur
Basel, Switzerland
Theater Basel
Zürich, Switzerland
Gessnerallee Zürich
Shanghai, China
Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre (Shanghai People’s Arts Theatre)
Changyang, China
Changyang Performing Arts Center
Melbourne, Australia
State Theatre | Arts Centre Melbourne
Bratislava, Slovakia
Slovenské národné divadlo | Slovak National Theater
Prague, Czech Republic
Tanec Praha | International Festival of Contemporary Dance
Brno, Czech Republic
Janáček Theatre | National Theatre Brno | Festival Tanz Brünn
Piešťany, Slovakia
Dom Umenia Piešťany | House of Arts Piešťany) | Piešťanský Festival
Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Musiktheater im Revier | Tanzwelt III
Duisburg, Germany
Theater Duisburg – Deutsche Oper am Rhein
Vienna, Austria
Messeplatz Vienna Ballet Festival
Szeged, Hungary
National Theatre of Szeged
Budapest, Hungary
Thália Színház (Thália Theatre)
Sopron, Hungary
Petőfi Theatre
Vienna, Austria
ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival
London, United Kingdom
Shaw Theatre
Glasgow, Scotland
Old Athenaeum Theatre | Jewish Culture Festival
Vannes, France
Palais des Arts et des Congrès
Paris, France
Théâtre de la Ville
Brussels, Belgium
BOZAR | Paleis voor Schone Kunsten (Centre for Fine Arts)
Nancy, France
Théâtre de la Manufacture
Berlin, Germany
Berliner Festspiele
Budapest, Hungary
Magyar Állami Operaház | Hungarian State Opera House
Győr, Hungary
Győri Nemzeti Színház | National Theater of Győr
Paris, France
Centre Georges Pompidou
Queens, New York, USA
Queensborough Performing Arts Center
New York, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
The Juilliard School
Philadelphia, USA
Swarthmore College Theater
Bronx, New York, USA
Lehman Center for the Performing Arts
London, United Kingdom
Westminster Theatre
Horsham, United Kingdom
Christ’s Hospital Arts Centre
London, United Kingdom
The Café Royal
Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Kings Theatre
Trapani, Italy
Teatro Vespri
Palermo, Italy
Teatro Biondo
Messina, Italy
Accademia Filarmonica Di Messina
Foggia, Italy
Teatro Umberto Giordano
L’Aquila, Italy
Teatro Comunale dell’Aquila
Arezzo, Italy
Teatro Politeama Universale
London, United Kingdom
The Place Theater
Paris, France
Centre Georges Pompidou
London, United Kingdom
De Montfort University
Coventry, United Kingdom
Warwick Arts Centre
London, United Kingdom
Logan Hall
West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Ilkley College
Glasgow, Scotland
Eastwood Park Theatre
Stirling, Scotland
Macrobert Arts Centre | Stirling Theatre
Brussels, Belgium
Centre Culturel d’Uccle
Den Haag, The Netherlands
Koninklijke Schouwburg | Het Nationale Theater
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Theater Zuidplein
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Theater de Meervaart
Paris, France
Théâtre-Sénart, Scène Nationale (Nouveau Carre)
Rome, Italy
Teatro Eliseo
More to come…