The International Dance Village, located in Kibbutz Ga’aton in the Western Galilee of northern Israel, has been the heart and home of the internationally acclaimed Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company since 1970.

The village’s mission is to promote dance in Israel, with an emphasis on fostering excellence in the arts and creating a center for the international dance community. The International Dance Village further aims to foster unique artistic creation, bring together Jewish youth from around the world, and to strengthen the bond between the Galilee’s diversified ethnic groups through movement and dance.
It is also home to KCDC’s Second Company (KCDC 2), the international 5-month preprofessional Dance Journey study abroad program starting each February and September, the annual Kibbutz Summer Intensive during the months of July and August for Israeli and international dance students from across the world, year-round workshops for visiting dance schools, and soon will also offer Israeli and international dancers a bachelors degree (BFA) in dance.
The International Dance Village offers a world of inspiration, love, fulfillment, artistic creation and excellence. Today, it represents a dream that has become a reality. Its a place of unity, of giving, of original creation, emotion, social responsibility and just so happens to be located in one of the most beautiful landscapes of Israel.

Today’s International Dance Village represents the life project and dream of founder Yehudit Arnon. With limited resources and great faith, love, and determination, Arnon’s vision has developed into a thriving center for arts and culture, serving the north of Israel with the intention of promoting, cultivating and developing dance, arts, and culture in Israel.
In this very dance village, KCDC was founded in 1970. There the company has grown, evolved and flourished. Today, the dance village is home to 100 dancers from around the world. These dancers comprise those in KCDC’s International Dance Journey Program, its Second Company, and its main company which represents Israel internationally, performing regularly at some of the leading dance festivals and in the most respected theaters worldwide.
Under the tutelage of the International Dance Village, an exceptional caliber of dance is constantly being cultivated while promoting the value of excellence in dance and the arts. KCDC is continuously launching special projects aimed at promoting movement and dance to the international community and for Jewish youth from all over the world.
In the International Dance Village dancers are able to love, live, and breathe dance. The atmosphere of perpetual creativity and movement continue to be an inspiration to all involved; including frequent visitors from Israel, international tourists, and a wide range of activities for private companies and organizations.
The extensive and impressive array of activities taking place in the International Dance Village are all made possible by the unwavering support of Raya Strauss Ben-Dror alongside private donors and other sponsoring organizations who understand and appreciate the importance of the existence of such a place.