The international Dance Journey study abroad program with Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company was one of the best, most unique immersive experiences I’ve ever had. To live in a kibbutz for five months surrounded by international dancers, your teachers, and KCDC company members who love and enjoy what they do every single day is something that we dancers cannot take for granted in our busy lives.

In the kibbutz, you are encouraged to be curious, to stretch the borders of your mind, and to take down your self-built walls to find a more decisive and confident mover within yourself. I found that the teachers, master workshops, KCDC dancers, and program directors all helped me free me from my own mind, and helped me see that my technique is a tool for my artistry, and not the means to an end.

It felt so natural for me to stay inspired dancing in the kibbutz!

The studios were beautiful, KCDC’s repertoire was fulfilling to learn, work on, and dance, the teachers guided and mentored me in such a personal way, and my friends were all so dedicated to bettering themselves in their art.

I truly had the time of my life in Israel. The Dance Journey (Masa Israel) program trips were incredible. We got to visit the drastically vast landscapes of the country while learning about the country’s history along with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the effects it continues to have on the land and its people. The Hebrew classes definitely helped me speak conversationally with the lively people of the country, making my experience all the more immersive.

As the program ended, I returned to NYC refreshed and ready, having used the knowledge I gained from the program to pursue my professional career in the city. I truly believe that it was the kibbutz and the Int’l Dance Journey Program that made me the artist I am today!

Marie Lloyd Paspe
New York, NY (USA)
Company Dancer with Carolyn Dorfman Dance

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