I’m so happy I ended up at Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company’s Summer Course! The staff and teachers are not only friendly and fun, they’re devoted to training us to be the best dancers we can be. Although I arrived knowing no one, making friends (with people from all over the world) took no time at all. It was refreshing to get to know other people who’s lives are as much about dance as mine is.

The kibbutz is beautiful, from the green expanses, to the pool, to our apartments in the Internatioanl Dance Village – I can’t think of a more magical place to spend my summer. Three delicious meals are served every day, and, after hours of dancing, you’ll be hungry!

Classes are varied – from Hip-hop and Modern, to Jazz and Ballet, and they’re all equally intense and enriching. Along with studying technique, you’ll also learn parts of KCDC’s famous repertoire, which provides insight into the company’s unique style. Studying all these different styles of dance every day helps keep our minds and bodies flexible, and prepares us for any new dance experience. From my experience at the KCDC Summer Intensive, I feel much more confident as an all-around dancer.

When we aren’t dancing, our summer experience is sealed by hanging out by the swimming pool and relaxing with friends from all over the world. I can’t wait to go back this coming summer. Thanks to KCDC, I’m coming back as a better dancer, and looking forward to seeing old friends, making new ones and improving even more.

Sraya Goldstein
Jerusalem, Israel

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