Start Keeping a Diary

Where you can write down your worries, ideas, visions, questions about yourself and your future in order to break habits and gain new understandings about what motives you and gain fresh inspiration for your summer intensive experience.

Attend Your Local Dance Classes Weekly to Get/Stay in Shape

Even though you are preparing to take over the world with your dance moves, it’s still important to do basic warm-up as often as possible; at least 3 times a week.

You can do your warm-up exercises at home, in your bedroom and or go to your local dance/ballet school several times per week.  Anything from classical to modern or contemporary dance will help you get in shape and in just a few weeks you should be ready for an action-packed schedule with 4 dance classes a day that a summer intensive usually has.

Pay a visit to your general practitioner

Especially when you are going to do a lot of physical classes, as you will be doing the summer intensive, you should make a priority going to your local doctor and ask for a complete physical so you know where you stand and if there are some types of movement that you should avoid.  Of course, like any professional Summer Intensive, we too have professional medical staff that are readily available for you at any time, but it’s always better to prevent than to cure.

Make a list of all your favorite dance clothes

Summer intensives are also about making friends and having fun, enjoying movement, and being creative.  So why not bring your favorite arsenal for that?  Bring those funky leggings, that leotard that always makes you feel fit, funny quotes t-shirts and anything that will cheer you up. The more colors, the better!

Read testimonials from teachers and previous attendees

Here is what renowned dancer and choreographer and former KCDC dancer Oryan Yohanan; one of the Summer Intensive teachers has to say about the program:

“I believe that a student in the Summer Intensive Program will develop not only technique and strength but also will have a great opportunity to experience the best that Israeli contemporary dance can offer. Israel has become a leader in the contemporary dance scene and the Summer Intensive is a fantastic way get a taste.  Students will learn new ways of dancing, using one’s body as well as developing more ways of understanding and applying movement.” Read the entire interview here.

See you at the Summer Intensive!

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