Some of the core values of Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company (KCDC) include diversity and inclusivity; both reflective in our community of dance students, professional company dancers, teachers, choreographers, and our staff who come from a multitude of backgrounds from all across the world.  This diversity adds to the rich and textured culture of the Kibbutz legacy, led by internationally-acclaimed Artistic Director Rami Be’er.

Each and every part of KCDC contributes to the strength of our community; from the remote and lush grounds of the International Dance Village to the collective, professional, and unique experience of our teachers. But what makes KCDC really special, is our students.  Our students come from all over the world and range from ages 14 to their early and mid-20’s; each bringing with them an individual style and personality.  After each Summer Intensive or Dance Journey Study Abroad Program, the participants of both programs write us testimonials on their personal experience of being a part of our community.

Read some of our most heart-warming testimonials from the Summer Intensive here and from the Dance Journey program here.

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