Tell us a bit about your dance background and where you’re from. Where did you study and where did you dance prior to joining Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company?
My name is Dvir Levi and I’m 21 years old.  I danced for 10 years in Studio Varda Shoval in Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel followed by three years of dance study at Ironi Alef High School in Tel Aviv under the Artistic Direction of Dalit Haramati.

Dvir Levi (Center) with Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company in ‘A Good Citizen‘ by Artistic Director Rami Be’er | Photo by Eyal Hirsch

Can you tell us a bit about your experience as dancer in the second company, KCDC 2? And then to your transition to the main company?
When I first joined  the second company, KCDC 2, it was the first time I got the sense and feeling that I’m in a professional company and that I succeeded in transforming by hobby into a job.  I gained a tremendous amount of experience performing on stage and and in front of children in schools across Israel and abroad.  Its priceless seeing how they react to contemporary dance up close and personal.


Dvir Levy in Company Rehearsal in ‘Studio Manny’ at The International Dance Village in Kibbutz Ga’aton, Israel | Photo by Eyal Hirsch

What attracted you to the movement language of Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company and Rami Be’er’s work?
I feel a great deal of power when in Rami Be’er’s movement language, especially when we’re on stage, under the lights, and in front of an audience.  Through this language, I feel as though I’m reaching and going beyond any physical limitations I would have otherwise thought I had.  Its a difficult phenomenon to explain in words but one that is simply mind blowing.

Can you share with us how/what you feel dancing with the company on stage?
I feel the power that emanates from my heart and travels towards the audience.  I feel like we’re wild animals.

Come dance with us at our home at the International Dance Village in Kibbutz Ga’aton, Israel and take part in the:

Kibbutz Summer Intensive

Dance Journey Program

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