Tell us a bit about your dance background and where you’re from. Where did you study and where did you dance prior to joining Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company?

My name is May Asor.  I’m 24 years old and I was born in Israel and grew up in a city called Herzliya.  I started to dance in a small dance school in the city of Ra’anana called Zohar where I grew up 

While I was there I participated in the ‘Excellence Program’ of Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company for a total of three years from the age of 14 till 17.  I used to come once a month to the company’s home at the International Dance Village in Kibbutz Ga’aton for a full weekend where I studied the company’s repertoire in depth and took classes with dancers of the main company.  It was an exciting, special, and enriching experience that really made me want to be a dancer in the company one day . 

Immediately after completing high school, I joined the Second Company (KCDC 2) at the age of 18  for my first season with the company and at the sametime, started my service in the army as an ‘Excellent Dancer’ which provides you with  the opportunity to combine a dance career with your army service  During that period, after finishing daily rehearsals in the studio at 5 p.m., I used to head straight to  army duty till the late evening hours.  This lasted for a two-year period.

May Asor

Can you tell us a bit about your experience as a dancer in the second company, KCDC2 and to your transition to the main company?

I remember in my  first week dancing in KCDC 2, my body and mind were in total shock.  We learned a full piece in one-week  and I couldn’t move from the intense  physicality in the studio..

I  learned so much from being part of the second company and enjoyed performing some of the company’s classic pieces including ‘Aide Memoire’ by Rami Be’er.

We performed a lot of morning shows around the country and abroad which was difficult but also very challenging and fun.  After two years in the second company, I was a different dancer; much more mature and ready for the next opportunity in the main company.

May Asor (Left)

What attracted you to the movement language of Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company and Rami Be’er’s work?

I feel that Rami’s language can take you to an extreme point of physicality.  You witness up close and personal how elite professional dancers go for their limits and beyond.  His work brings truth, nostalgia, and warmth.

What is it like living amongst professional dancers, international dance students, and dance among professionals at The International Dance Village in Kibbutz Ga’aton, Israel?

As a city person, life in the kibbutz at the International Dance Village is truly special. You arrive here as a novice in the field of dance and are surrounded by maturity and experienced professionals and a sense of dance professionalism at its highest level.  It’s very rare to share your art and also live this kind of lifestyle in a place like this that opens your heart.

In  this small and unique place you can connect with so many people and cultures from all over the world.  Its amazing experience and place that is hard to describe in words.

Can you share with us how/what you feel dancing with the company on stage?  

In general, to share moments on stage with dancers gives me inspiration and I appreciate its really fulfilling and also as a group we all have a common goal and as  individually we have the space for self interpretation.

May Asor (Left) in Reheasal with Main Company on Tour in Poland

What’s your most memorable international experience with the company?

My most memorable international experience was our long tour to South America in my second season in the main company.  It was really special because of the culture we took in and the cities we visited., The stages and the performances…I remember especially the crazy beautiful stage in Lima, Peru.  I felt blessed to have this opportunity to visit these places together with such special people in the company and perform there.

Have you taught dance students at the Kibbutz Summer Intensive and/or the 5-month Dance Journey Program?  If so, can you share what it means to you?

When I was a young girl, I came almost every summer to the Kibbutz Summer Intensive.  And now  to have the opportunity of teaching young girls and boys that want to develop themselves is very special.  I receive such joy of being able to share and pass on the knowledge that I’ve received from this place.


Come dance with us at our home at the International Dance Village in Kibbutz Ga’aton, Israel and take part in the:

Kibbutz Summer Intensive

Dance Journey Program

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