The program is designed to make you the best dancer that you can be, and believe me when I’ll tell you it’s so much more that you can imagine.

As a young woman coming from a family of artists including dancers, choreographers, light designers and musicians, I’ve always held the belief that the dance world is magic; a place where you can transform completely, be yourself, and create a new universe.  This amazing place called the International Dance Village in Kibbutz Ga’aton, Israel is where the art and the nature combine in a way that you can’t imagine.

From Day 1 you are surrounded by wonderful and supportive people.  And I’m taking about everybody from the main company dancers to the Dance Journey dance teachers to the other participants in the program.  Everybody is here to help you, to hear you, and to teach you.

This program and its effect succeeded any expectations or preconceived notion I had prior to arriving here.

Fighting through a grand plié, pain, bruises and a lot of sweat. I’ve never felt happier dancing in my life!  I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone who feels dance is everything in his or her life.

Liat Mendelsberg
Mexico City, Mexico

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