It was an unforgettable experience at Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company’s Summer Intensive.

Everyone there was so positive and friendly. Although my English is not so good, I could feel and understand the enthusiasm and passion from our teachers, classmates, and the locals.

I’ve fallen in love with this company, the program and this place very much.

I met many friends here from across the world with whom I keep in contact, and every time I think of this special period of time, the reminiscence always cheers​ me up as I reflect on my experience at the amazing place that is the International Dance Village.

What I appreciated most was the unique training method and repertoire that Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company offers.

For any dancer or dance student looking for an incredible summer dance program or workshop, I say to them that it is more than worth your while to participate in the the Summer Intensive dance program, which can offer you a new, body and mind-expanding dance culture.

Lin Zhang
Beijing Dance Academy
Beijing, China

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