Last year I graduated from the University of Performing Arts, majoring in choreography, in my hometown of Bratislava, Slovakia.  Since I knew there is so much more in the practical field that I could learn from, I was looking for an intensive dance experience.

I have been to Israel a few times before, but I never thought there would be something interesting in Israel to further develop and lead me to a career in dance.  All of this changed when I saw a performance of Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company and found out about KCDC’s international Dance Journey program.  The unique quality of the Israeli dance culture is one of the main reasons I was so attracted to come and why I still am so excited to be here.

I have been here at the Dance Journey program for over 6 months now and my fascination of how such a small country has so many BIG people increases every day.  The professional approach towards me as an individual and as an aspiring professional dancer has been more than satisfying and I feel very comfortable around the teachers, the company’s dancers, the staff and the wonderful people on the kibbutz.

I feel that this whole experience has been unbelievably enriching and that I have grown professionally and personally. I know that after this program, I will be able to use all my knowledge to become a better dancer, choreographer, friend, and person.

Sandra Kramerova
Bratislava, Slovakia

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